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SOURCE Event 2022

Showcase of Opportunities for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor (SOURCE) is organized as a fair, with faculty and their representatives sharing their work on research and creative endeavors at assigned spaces, with undergraduates from across the colleges...

ReGame-XR Internship Showcase Event 2022

The ReGame-XR Summer Internship is an annual program where we engage a group of individuals who are underrepresented in the tech workforce–individuals with developmental disorders, specifically autism spectrum disorders.  This was the first year since COVID-19 to run...

New Opportunity for Naren

New Opportunity for Naren

Our lab's Data Analyst Naren Mohan has accepted his co-op position as a Data Scientist Intern at Walmart Global Tech! He's excited for the opportunity to explore a new field of ecommerce data. Good luck to Naren on his co-op!

CAMD Showcase Event

CAMD Showcase Event

ReGame-XR Lab's Ara Jung and Sundar Rengarajan had the opportunity to demo their work at CAMD's Game Showcase event! Congratulations to both groups & check out their projects below!   A VR Suspense Walking Simulator, something strange has come to the Farm!...

Congratulations to Jeffery!

Congratulations to Jeffery!

Our lab's undergraduate student Jeffery Allen and his team had their Capstone presentation at Matthews Arena to show off the Human Powered Mechanical Leaf Blower. It's amazing to see all the students and their innovative projects.  Congratulations Jeffery for...